Friday, October 4, 2013

Carpe Diem 313 Circle

Dear friends,

As you maybe know I have a daily haiku meme at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai and today our prompt is "circle" provided by Lolly, one of the contributors to Carpe Diem. As I was preparing the episode on "circle" I wasn't inspired to write my own haiku on "circle", but I couldn't stay behind of course so I publish here my haiku on "circle".

perfect abstract art
no beginning and no end -
seasons come and go

lost in a dream
running around in circles -
finding Inner Self

bound together
until eternity will call us
rings of gold shared

(C) Ring of Fire by Remo Wormmeester

ring of fire
passionate eternal love
between you and me

(The last two are in honor of my beloved wife)

Circle ... at first I thought it wasn't possible to write haiku about it, but I think I have succeeded, not very clear haiku, but for sure haiku-like. (smiles). Well ... see you ...