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Day 7 of the Haiku Heights April Challenge is on. Today's prompt forgive is a tough one. But it's a prompt which is especially for this time of year. Why? Because it's Easter. Today it's Silent Saturday (as we call the saturday before Easter) and it's a day of contemplation and meditation.
Today I will try that unique 3-5-3 haiku form.
meditate today
roses bloom
roses bloom
between bare branches -
broken wings
broken wings
a little bird flew against the window
forgive me please
forgive me please
I have broken the crystal vase
of my grandmother
of my grandmother
I found a youth photo
she was a beauty
she was a beauty
the rose I broke today
forgive me
forgive me
with tears in her eyes
she asked me
she asked me
deep from the heart
See you again tomorrow.