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Day 7 of the Haiku Heights April Challenge is on. Today's prompt forgive is a tough one. But it's a prompt which is especially for this time of year. Why? Because it's Easter. Today it's Silent Saturday (as we call the saturday before Easter) and it's a day of contemplation and meditation.
Today I will try that unique 3-5-3 haiku form.
meditate today
roses bloom
roses bloom
between bare branches -
broken wings
broken wings
a little bird flew against the window
forgive me please
forgive me please
I have broken the crystal vase
of my grandmother
of my grandmother
I found a youth photo
she was a beauty
she was a beauty
the rose I broke today
forgive me
forgive me
with tears in her eyes
she asked me
she asked me
deep from the heart
See you again tomorrow.
A beautiful set...from the roses blooming to the broken wings, then asking for forgiveness ~
Very timely for Holy Week ~
Wow! Amazing cascading cycle! I love it!
Its a fabulous expression of the child in you . im touched by your grand mother. may be i feel all grand mothers are beautiful...mine was too.
Een mooie opeenvolgende reeks, Kristjaan. I like it a lot!
This is a lovely set of haiku. Perfect for the season. My heart went out to the little bird who flew against the window. This happens at my cabin and sometimes they die. It can be very sad and I can feel guilty too.
Good one.. I loved the way the haiku are weaved.. RS:)
Love the repetition of the red rose. A very important symbol of the heart.
Beautifully written Chev...:) Beautiful set
I have never written a chain of Haiku before, I find that an interesting method. Nicely done.
What a lovely weave of words. Beautiful, gentle and yes, forgiving.
how beautiful...and forgiveness is just this way, it meanders through our lives beside compassion, gratitude, joy and love all woven through the moments of brokenness and sorrow.
Lovely sequence.
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