Vandaag staat voor de Haiku Heights challenge het onderwerp 'evenwicht', lastig om daar een haiku over te schrijven, maar ik ga het toch proberen.
op een poot staat de Lepelaar
fier in evenwicht
English translation:
Today a new challenge on Haiku Heights. The prompt is 'POISE', very difficult to write a haiku about this, but I tried.
on one leg, the Spoonbill
strongly in poise
Until the next challenge.
I agree, poise is a very difficult prompt to write to, but you did it beautifully!
Thank you for your kind comment. It was indeed a difficult prompt.
Even without the photograph, I can see the spoonbill in your words, so I'd say you succeeded!
Poised and poise
Oh a good one ... I hadn't thought of the birds who balance on one leg ... you are the first to capture it with this prompt!
Thank you Becca.
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