This week's prompt "scare"
My interpretation of this prompt uses "scary" in stead of scare:
a scary sight
the bare branches
in the moonlight
This blog is about haiku. A classical haiku counts 5-7-5 syllables. Chèvrefeuille (the pseudonym of Kristjaan Panneman, a Dutch haiku poet) however writes his haiku in the Kanshicho-style. In the Kanshicho-style the classical syllable count isn't used. Matsuo Basho (1644-1694), a haiku poet, wrote his haiku in Kanshicho-style for several years, but he returned to the classical way of haiku writing. !!! Anonymous comments will be seen as SPAM !!!.
that can be a scary image...nice job
That is a scary sight indeed!! I even get scared of shadows of moving branches in my room at night!!
A delicious eerie feeling!! ;)
I'm with Nanka - rubbing branches on the window at night when I am home alone (out in the middle of nowhere) can be unnerving!!
Good post...I agree with the others..you hit the nail on the head.. or rather the branches on the window.
Siggi in Downeast Maine, USA
Thx for your comments. Yes I agree bare branches are scary, but that also is charming ... autumn a magical season.
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