Dear friends,
The Summer Retreat of Carpe Diem Haiku Kai is going great and I am happy (as the owner and host of Carpe Diem Haiku Kai) that I started the Summer Retreat. It was just an idea, as once was Carpe Diem to challenge haiku poets to create a haiku a day ... and it happened ...
As a haiku poet I use a "haigo" or "penname" and as you know my "haigi" is Chèvrefeuille (French for Honeysuckle). I am a Dutch haiku poet and I write almost all my haiku in English. I even find it very difficult to create haiku in my own language, Dutch. Sometimes I even think in English and that's sometimes, e.g. at work, a "pain in the a..", but I cannot help it.
Honeysuckle (the English translation of my "haigo" ... Chèvrefeuille |
For today's submissions to the Summer Retreat I have chosen to write a haiku in which my "haigo" is used.
sweet perfume
lingers in the warm summer night
Honeysuckle blooms
© Chèvrefeuille
And here is an oldie from my archives:
my inner self
following the way of Honeysuckle
path of
* Honeysuckle, in her spiritual meaning is the path of wisdom to find
your inner self.
See you tomorrow