Opposite emotions mm not an easy one I guess. But it's a Haiku Challenge, so I have to take this challenge serious and write a new haiku for day 4.
children laughing
while playing in the garden
it starts to rain
Opposite emotions? I think so. Children laughing and playing in the garden, but ... that sadness when it starts to rain. They have to stop playing and go inside.
Another one:
after the funeral
the cherry tree in my backyard
makes me happy
in loving memory |
A long time ago, I had to go to a funeral in the beginning of Spring. It was a very sad day and I cried my eyes out, but when I came home I saw the first Cherry blossom bloom and that made me happy again.
Well ... until tomorrow.
i think the second one fits better the idea of opposite emotions - i for instance am never saddened by rain :)
nicely done!
Nice thoughts. I should like to see more 5-7-5: the syllable limitation focuses the mind wonderfully.
I loved the second one.
Nicely done.
Both are nice. Love the first one.
I like uplifting cherry blossoms after the sad event of the funeral ...
I must learn more about the style of Haiku you write -- I remember I started out writing "17-syllable Haiku" with no reference to format ... until this specific challenge last February. It took awhile for me to get the hang of the 5-7-5 format,and the specific syllable counter SiS likes to use ... but the 28 days of practice helped me grow to enjoy it more and more. Now learning other formats is the challenge! :-)
Yay for the cherry tree!
There is always comfort in nature.
Love the second one! :)
I like the rain and cherry blossom verses....You are getting better with this. And I like the nature weaving in your words.
Not everyone can express beautifully in less than 17 syllables but you do it very very beautifully.. First one is the best one for the theme.. a Kid knows hurting it will be to stop their play because of the rain.. Loved your second one too..
Someone is Special
nice haiku...I especially like the second one..
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