Sunday, October 21, 2012

Carpe Diem, Nightingale 2

Also published and shared on: Rebecca's Haiku My Heart

I had to share a few more haiku on Nightingale. I love his sound very much and I am almost like the Emperor from the fairy tale. When I hear the Nightingale sing tears begin to come. A deep emotional relaxation almost meditative. So here it goes.

silence ...
on the thin line of day and night
Nightingale's song

Nightingale's song
makes the night less lonesome

shedding tears

every day night walk
through the neighborhood

a Nightingale

the song of the Nightingale

makes my day

the scent of Honeysuckle
dreaming of my beloved wife -
a Nightingale's voice

Well ... did you like them? I hope so ....


Marit said...

'makes the night less lonesome'... wat een prachtige zin Christjaan! Ik heb de nachtegaal al in geen jaren gehoord... dank voor je lieve berichtje op mijn blog. Ja, alles goed maar razend druk - van die tijden dat liever een stukje langs een rivier zou wandelen (0f naar de nachtegaal luisteren). Ik ben het eens met je voorkeur voor mijn Engelse haiku - de ene week is de ene taal mooier, de andere keer de andere... maar ik blijf het in twee talen proberen/publiceren. Ik hou wel van die extra uitdaging.

joanne said...

I do not know the song of a nightingale, but I can imagine its sweetness and beauty thru your words....I love the romantic 'dreaming of my beloved wife'...

Dulcina said...

Yes, I like all of them, especially
the last one, it is so romantic!
My favourite lines:
- the thin line of day and night
- makes the night less lonesome
- invincible
- ... and the last one, of course.

Barbara said...

Although I've never heard a nightingale, I feel,through your haiku, what a wonderful song it must have. Loved all of these!

Magyar said...

>Sieze the< most pure feelings of each >day<
__Nice collection here! _m

Anonymous said...

the sweet honeysuckle and the nightengale...ahhh, dreaming of spring