The little child sobs
'I want to cross it' -
the rainbow bridge
This is one of the haiku which I have written for a new poetry book.
This blog is about haiku. A classical haiku counts 5-7-5 syllables. Chèvrefeuille (the pseudonym of Kristjaan Panneman, a Dutch haiku poet) however writes his haiku in the Kanshicho-style. In the Kanshicho-style the classical syllable count isn't used. Matsuo Basho (1644-1694), a haiku poet, wrote his haiku in Kanshicho-style for several years, but he returned to the classical way of haiku writing. !!! Anonymous comments will be seen as SPAM !!!.
__I really like the "rainbow bridge," and I sense a child wondering about -the other side-. [But then, don't we all?]
Sincerly, _m
Congratulations on your poetry award and a nice haiku here. I love the imagination in the child.
i want to cross it too! :)
this is a lovely piece of work.
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