Inspired by the theme at

A long time ago I was a regular participant in this haiku meme of Leo at Haiku Heights, but as I started my own daily haiku meme I couldn't find the time to participate. So this is after a long time my contribution to this week theme "expactation".
Expectation ... a nice theme for sure in this time of the year, because we are closing into the end of 2013 and start almost with a whole new year 2014. 2014 Will be another great year I think, not at least because of the fact that I will become again a granddad, but also because of my daily haiku meme Carpe Diem Haiku Kai. I am looking forward to this new year and I hope that Carpe Diem Haiku Kai will grow further and that our haiku-family will grow too.
Here is my attempt to write a haiku with the theme Expectation
a whole new year
what will it bring to us?
what to expect?
Not a strong one, it's more like a quote or senryu, so another one more in the haiku-sphere:
cherry blossom buds
almost ready to open up
expecting brightness
Well ... I hope you did like the read ... and maybe see you somewhere else or maybe visit