Friday, March 2, 2012

Haiku My Heart

Haiku My Heart

Several weeks ago I discovered the Haiku My Heart weblog and I was in love with that weblog. I love to write today for Haiku My Heart a few haiku with Light as theme.

in pale moonlight
the young cherry blossoms
so fragile

at sunrise
the mysterious line between night and day
lightens sunflowers

the day has ended
in reddish and yellowish light
young Honeysuckle

I am glad that I have written this set of haiku (in the so called Kanshicho-style) to bring a little bit of light to Haiku My Heart.

Blessed Be,


carol l mckenna said...

you write such wonderful, feeling haiku ~ very loving ~ namaste, carol (A Creative Harbor) Happy HMH ~ ^_^

Spadoman said...

Very mice thoughts evoke from your haiku. The other day, one of the bloggers was mentioning that we who attempt haiku aren't doing it the right way. I responded by saying that we try and interpret as we can, and that to me, being creative and trying an art form is okay. I think I can learn from you and ask that you tell us more about the style you use.
I also like your pseudonym.


Magical Mystical Teacher said...

I constantly seek that mysterious line between night and day. Finding it brings me great delight!

Perhaps a Resurrection

Karen said...

Beautiful haiku for each phase of the day!

anthonynorth said...

Lovely seasonal words.

peggy gatto said...

Gorgeous pictures and lovely haikus!
My favorite is the sunflower, so happy!

rebecca said...

your beauty and light have filled me so generously. thank you for finding your way to haiku my heart and returning week after week. your voice melts hearts!

Helen Campbell said...

Wonderful haiku! I especially love the sunrise sunflowers. :)

Grace said...

I like the nature touches...cherry blossoms, sunflowers and young honeysuckle ~

Superb images ~

Marit said...

Hi Chèvrefeuille, welcome to 'haiku my heart Friday'. You wrote some lovely haiku and I'm already looking forward to next week. Great to have you 'on board' and thanks for the compliment and lovely comment on my blog.

En dan even in het nederlands... wat leuk om een landgenoot tegen te komen in deze haiku kring! Ik ben de dochter van dichteres Johanna Kruit die al jaren haiku schrijft, vandaar mijn voorliefde voor dit type gedicht (al weet ik er zelf niet veel van hoor!) Welkom bij deze stimulerende en aardige 'haiku circle'.

Neha said...

Beautiful haiku and has a very cheerful flow to it.

Chèvrefeuille said...

Hoi Marit, wat een leuke bijkomstigheid dat ik via Haiku My Heart kennis maak met de dochter van Johanna Kruit. Ik ben helaas niet zo bekend met haar werk. Misschien kun je me een paar haiku van je moeder mailen (

Thanks Marit for your nice words on my blog. I love the idea that I have met you, the daughter of a well known haiku poet of The Netherlands.
Hope to see you here again.


in the low lands
a well of Japanese 'water'
a haiku fountain

rebecca said...

good morning chevrefeuille! in gratitude for every ones continued offering of haiku and companionship at haiku my heart on fridays i am happy to share that on saturdays i am honoring one haiku with a "lover of small words" acknowledgment.

today i have shared one of yours!
thank you for your beauty and love of impossibly small perfect words.

Chèvrefeuille said...

Rebecca I am honored with the acknowledgment you gave me.


Lea said...

I love these words tied together in your haiku, these bits of light streaming out... especially the comparison of young cherry blossoms and the pale moon. I cannot see where one ends and one begins and it is a lovely image. thank you!

Sarah said...

You are a haiku star!

Meri said...

Such loveliness!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful...happy to have found my way here.

Chèvrefeuille said...

It's so wonderful to read all of your comments on my haiku-blog.They make me blush and giving me lots of joy and happiness. Thank you for visiting.

Cloaked Monk/Terri said...

So wonderful!

somepinkflowers said...

i am happy
i found my way here
to your door

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

I'm so glad that Rebecca linked to you today from last Friday's Haiku, as I somehow missed it. Your three haikus are so beautiful, a true welcoming to spring.