Friday, September 7, 2012

Dancing, a haibun

Also published and shared on: Haiku My Heart

Dancing, a haibun

In the middle of the night. I couldn't sleep ... to much thoughts tolling around in my head. Even the ones I love to have about haiku. I see every hour go by. At last I go downstairs. Have something to eat and drink and maybe ... that's making me sleepy.

As I look through the window I see that a new day is dawning. The sky colors in the most wonderful reddish and yellowish. With a smile on my face I see the first blossom of the cherry tree in my backyard. I walk outside. I am so in love with my cherry tree and when the first blossoms begin blooming I become very happy. My thousand thoughts have gone. I only have eyes for the young cherry blossoms.

And than ... birds begin to sing in a most wonderful symphony ... it's the ultimate experience and leaves me in awe. I forget everything around me and start dancing. I love this feeling of freedom and happiness. It's really a great and wonderful morning.

I wonder ... why has the Almighty given me this great present. I bow my head and than I see my naked body. A smile on my face ... "this is freedom!"

standing naked
in awe of the first cherry blossom
dancing in the garden 

This haibun is also published on: Wonder Haiku Worlds



Jennifer Wagner said...

I love cherry blossoms too. You have captured that blissfully free feeling in this haiku--nicely done!

Fallingladies said...

You have captured a wonderful moment, so nice!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Unclothed and awestruck--what a combination!

Haiku for Your Heart

Lea said...

So wonder-filled this moment of awareness and awakening... Beautiful haiku and photo!

somepinkflowers said...

i understand such Freedom
i often dance
in the quiet summer rain
on an empty beach,
under a full moon
for Good Luck...

i enjoy your writing
and certainly
i Love your cherry blossoms--->


rebecca said...

you have transformed my heart with your gorgeous freedom and passion for beauty!
thank you so much for your unabashed beauty at recuerda mi corazon!!!

Marit said...

Ha, your story and your haibun connect with the art page on my blog... may the weekend give you many wonderful moments like this!

Anonymous said...

oh to see cherry blossoms...beautiful to be captured in the moment.