Friday, September 14, 2012

Carpe Diem, seize the day - a new haiku meme - introduction

I would like to introduce to you, my dear visitors, the start of a new daily haiku meme. I named it Carpe Diem (Latin for seize the day). As you possibly may know Haiku Heights is running a daily meme this month. It's a joy and a pleasure to write haiku every day.
I will soon start this new haiku meme, but first I have to complete HH's September Heights. And of course I have to think about the prompts. So this new daily haiku meme will start on October first 2012.
Do you know a nice prompt? Please share it with me through commenting on this post.

free your mind
be inspired and enjoy
composing haiku


Chevrefeuille a.k.a. Basho2012 and Kristjaan Panneman.


Mariya Koleva said...

OK, here is a suggestion for a prompt:
- responsibility (I know it's not especially "haiku")

Or, shall I send you a short list, so that you choose one?
Best, M.

Chèvrefeuille said...

Good day Mariya, thank you for your comment. Please share your short list with me.
By the way I have started a new Tackle It Tuesday. This week the theme is TIME.

Mariya Koleva said...

Hi, and thanks for answering :-)
Here are some ideas I have:
- responsibility;
- childhood;
- envy;
- pride;
- knowing (like knowing something in advance; or knowing too much);
- helpful-helpless (either of them or in combination);
- useful-useless (same as above).

I will be really honored if you happen to choose one of those.

Groetjes, M