Saturday, October 13, 2012

Theme Thursday, angel

Theme Thursday

This week's Theme Thursday is about Angel(s). I believe we are surrounded by angels. I think everyone has his or her angel that's always beside you. Sometimes I have been called 'an Angel' by the patients I care for as an oncology-nurse.
I have my Angel(s) too, they're my guards to let me walk on the Right Path and I am glad that they do so ... out of their Unconditional Love.

I am a haiku-poet living in The Netherlands and I am a spiritual being surrounded by my guardians. I love to share a new haiku with you all.

a being of light
guides every step I take
my dear brother

my dear brother
he has become my guardian angel
after his dead

after his dead
I knew he would be always with me
a being of light

I have written this cascading haiku in loving memory of my brother who died September 3rd 1995. I miss him every day. He's my ANGEL.

Source: Angel

2018 July Re-published on Carpe Diem's Summer Retreat 2018

Haiku Heights, shroud

For Haiku Heights' prompt 'shroud' I have composed this new haiku.

beneath the shroud
a pharaoh travels to the stars
everlasting life

Egyptian mummy-shroud

I love this haiku on shroud. I think this one is one of my masterpieces (how immodest for a haiku poet).

See you next week.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Katana, the Samurai Sword

Samurai with tachi
Published and shared on: Carpe Diem, seize the day. A daily haiku meme.

Today samurai is the prompt for Carpe Diem. Samurai were ancient Japanese warriors. The Samurai code was a secret code and the Samurai was trained real hard. They went to battle and were known for their Samurai Swords and the use of it during battle.

The rise in popularity of katana by samurai is believed to have been due to the changing nature of close-combat warfare. The quicker draw of the sword was well suited to combat where victory depended heavily on fast response times. The katana further facilitated this by being worn thrust through a belt-like sash (obi) with the sharpened edge facing up. Ideally, samurai could draw the sword and strike the enemy in a single motion. Previously, the curved tachi had been worn with the edge of the blade facing down and suspended from a belt.
The katana was often paired with a similar smaller companion sword, such as a wakizashi or it could also be worn with the tantō, an even smaller similarly shaped sword. The pairing of a katana with a smaller sword is called the daishō. The daisho could only be worn by samurai and it represented the social power and personal honor of the samurai. (Source: wikipedia) 

ancient warriors
shedding blood on the battlefield
katana colors red

katana colors red
blood washed away in the heavy rain
virgin sword

virgin sword
crafted with water and fire
strength of nature

strength of nature
served the Samurai in battle
ancient warriors

Well ... see you tomorrow ... for another Carpe Diem special prompt #2

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Carpe Diem, rainbow

Also published and shared on: Haiku My Heart, the wonderful weblog of Rebecca. Thank you Rebecca for hosting.

Today the prompt for Carpe Diem is RAINBOW. I had to write a few new haiku for today's Carpe Diem. So let's do this ...

against dark clouds
the magical image of the rainbow
on a quest for gold

on a quest for gold
running to the end of the rainbow
for an eternity

for an eternity
God's mysterious promise
against dark clouds 

Credits: rainbow

Well ... this was my contribution to today's carpe diem. I enjoyed writing this triplet of haiku in that wonderful cascading style of Ramesh.

See you tomorrow.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Tackle It Tuesday, morning dew

Dear Haijin,

Another week has gone. The prompt of last week was 'tea', I have read wonderful haiku inspired on that prompt. So I hope that this new prompt 'morning dew' will be a success too.

Morning dew ... the mysterious water we can see every morning. It looks like everything is hanged with necklaces of pearls. Sometimes ... e.g. cobwebs hanged with dew shimmering in the early sunlight look like diamonds. It's wonder.
Dew ... is also a symbol for detachment and transience. Dew ... evaporates in the warm sunlight and than it's gone ... dew ... well I think this is a wonderful prompt and I hope to read a lot of nice haiku on dew.
This prompt will stay on 'till next Monday October 15th 11.59 PM (CET).

Here is my haiku for this week's Tackle It Tuesday:

dewdrops shimmer
in the flower of the Morning Glory
a diamond necklace

a diamond necklace
evaporates in the warmth of the sun
that's transience

that's transience
mysterious early morning water
dewdrops shimmer

Source: dew on Morning Glory

Please leave a comment after linking ... and if you have a suggestion for a new prompt please share it with us.

Have fun and enjoy this week's Tackle It Tuesday. Share your haiku (classical or non-classical) and be inspired.

Carpe Diem, phantom

For today's Carpe Diem I've written a new haiku.

ghostly cobweb
shimmering in the early daylight
pearls of dew

pearls of dew
fainting away when the sun rises
like a phantom

See you tomorrow ... for a new carpe diem haiku