Steam by Nicolas Muray |
Another wonderful inspirational photo at Mindlovemisery's Menagerie. A challenge to write a short poem towards a photo. This week the above photo, by Nicolas Muray, is the source of inspiration. And what a beautiful photo it is.
It looks like old-time pornography ... those colors, the almost nude female in a kind of still pose as if she is frozen in her dance. The shadow of her nude body strong and making her more in balance. Why is the title "steam" ... I really don't know ... I think it's pointing towards the warmth, the ebullience this almost pornographic photo gives it's viewers ... I don't know ... How to write a short poem towards it ... or better ... how to write a haiku towards this photo without losing it's sphere ...
she dances in the shadow
arousing the senses of her viewers -
dark alley theater
© Chèvrefeuille
Hm ... not a great haiku, but in a way in touches the essence of the photo ... I don't know ... what do you think?
See you another time,