Monday, May 8, 2017

Carpe Diem Summer Retreat 2017 (16) Unconditional love

Dear friends,

Maybe you have followed my other blog Carpe Diem Haiku Kai and than (maybe) you have spotted our new Carpe Diem Summer Retreat 2017. It's running towards its end and I love to publish here a submission for this Summer Retreat themed Unconditional Love. Love is one of the most important emotions I think, and Unconditional Love is what we need here on our planet, because unconditional love has no boundaries and will always reach out to other people around you and around the world.

without boundaries
I open my heart to spread love
on wings of birds

© Chèvrefeuille

Without love we cannot reach our hands towards people around us. Love is really the only way to reach peace all over the globe.

Spread love,
