Saturday, July 29, 2017

Carpe Diem Haiku Kai Autumn Retreat 2017 (8) farewell verse

Dear friends,

Here is entree 8 for the Autumn Retreat 2017:

farewell verse
as I depart from the train station
forget me not

© Chèvrefeuille

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Carpe Diem Autumn Retreat 2017 (7) leaving home

Dear friends,

As you maybe know I am hosting a daily haiku meme, also on blogspot, titled Carpe Diem Haiku Kai and maybe you know that I am initiating a seasonly retreat every season. The Carpe Diem Autumn Retreat 2017 is running already for a month and I have already read wonderful haiku and tanka, but until today I didn't publish a lot for this autumn retreat, so today that's going to change.
The theme for the Carpe Diem Autumn Retreat is departure, because I associate autumn with departure and leaving or letting go ... not an easy theme maybe, but of course I just want to challenge you and myself.

leaving home
the youngest son of four kids
finally on his own
cherishing the love of his life
being together as one

© Chèvrefeuille

It's a strange idea that the last of your children is leaving the nest ... of course we all know that they have to go one day, but as that day comes it gives you a real feeling of departure ... your life as parents is changing immensely ... an empty nest ...

See you again ...