in vibrant colours
neonlights calling people -
a leaf is falling
I didn't really know what to do with this prompt, but I have given it a try. After all I think I did succeed this challenge.
This blog is about haiku. A classical haiku counts 5-7-5 syllables. Chèvrefeuille (the pseudonym of Kristjaan Panneman, a Dutch haiku poet) however writes his haiku in the Kanshicho-style. In the Kanshicho-style the classical syllable count isn't used. Matsuo Basho (1644-1694), a haiku poet, wrote his haiku in Kanshicho-style for several years, but he returned to the classical way of haiku writing. !!! Anonymous comments will be seen as SPAM !!!.
You did a fine job with this prompt. Lovely Haiku.
I like the contrasting images..neonlights with a leaf falling.
Nice one ~
Love the way you bring this back down to earth with the image of the falling leaf!
Takes you away from the glare of neon lights to the vibrant tree and falling leaves!! Lovely!!
Thank you all for your kind remarks. It's my pleasure to share my haiku with you (and the world)
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