Tuesday, January 10, 2012

One Single Impression prompt 202 "invincible"

One Single Impression
For One Single Impression I have written the next haiku on the prompt "invincible". Not an easy to do haiku I thought, but I have succeeded.

the song of the Nightingale
makes my day

in the cobweb
the little spider is waiting
he's invincible

a lonely flower
stands strong in the autumn storm

I loved doing this one on the prompt "invincible"



Laura Maria said...

I really liked that last one about the flower. Sweet and powerful!

Anonymous said...

love the simplicity of your idea!!

Chèvrefeuille said...

HelloLaura and Sandra,
Thanks for your kind words. I love the second the most, but I do understand why the third is more liked. :)

Shail said...

Beautiful haikus all three of them. The spider does seem invincible in his web!


Millie said...

I love the one with the spider! Great take on the prompt.

Chèvrefeuille said...

Dear Shail and Millie, I am so glad you like my haiku. Thanks for the kind words.