Monday, November 16, 2015

arousing my senses

Dear friends and followers,

At Carpe Diem Haiku Kai (CDHK) we are on a journey through the Altai Mountains. Once the silk road ran straight through this region and our guest host at CDHK, Hamish Managua Gunn, has written a wonderful post about this silk road. You really have to read that post (as I may say so). I wasn't inspired enough to write an all new haiku in response of that post, so I dived into my archives and found a few wonderful haiku which I love to share here with you:

arousing my senses
the sweet coolness of silk blankets
shared with my love

silk tree blossoms
in a soothing summer rain
trembling in silence

trembling in silence
silk tree blossoms, so fragile,
in a summer breeze

© Chèvrefeuille
I had never heard from the Silk Tree, but it is really a beautiful tree. See for yourself.
Credits: Silk Tree

I love to share also a haiku composed by one of the four famous haiku poets, Buson, in which this silk tree is mentioned:

amenohiya madakini kurete nemuno hana 
a rainy day
quickly falls the night -
silk tree blossoms

© Yosa Buson

And to conclude this post inspired on the silk road I have two other haiku from my archives:

snow falls softly
the statue of Buddha covered
in white silk

kimono slipping
fingertips discover silk road
ecstatic sigh

© Chèvrefeuille
Well .... see you next time.


Anonymous said...

stunning imagery.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous ----

Carol Campbell said...

Very sensual and brilliant images!

Bastet's Waka Library said...

A lovely post and how interesting is that silk tree! Bastet

Someone is Special said...

Stunning photos and Haiku. You are really awesome Kris! Keep writing!

Someone is Special

humbird said...

The silk tree reminds me the one we called 'japanese acacia'... Enjoyed the haiku and photo.