Friday, March 9, 2012

Haiku My Heart, the blossoms return

Also published for: The Gooseberry Garden's Poetry Picnic week 27

Haiku My Heart

The blossoms return! Yes ... I have seen that. In my garden the first cherry blossom has been spotted, so yes the blossoms return ... finally Spring is coming after a long cold winter. As I walk through the park that's near my house I see the crocuses bloom and the narcissus, but also the flowering Trees are coming in bloom. It's a wonder .... I love the sight of these fragile blossoms and flowers and all the pretty colors. It makes me very happy.
Today I have written a blog about the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival it's a great festival in Vancouver (Canada) to celebrate their 40.000 cherry trees coming in bloom. You can read that blog here They have a haiku invitational to write haiku about cherry blossoms. I have contributed two haiku for that haiku invitational.

Today's Haiku My Heart haiku is about cherry trees. It's an (as I call it) an Impromptu verse, just written without a 'trigger' to write it.

ah! sweet perfume
of the young cherry trees
first time blooming

on an old branch
a young sprout of cherry
blooming again

See you next week ... for another Haiku My Heart

Blessed Be


carol l mckenna said...

Beautiful visuals in my head from your haiku ~ lovely photos and spring ~ enjoy the weekend ~ thanks, namaste, carol (A Creative Harbor)

Marit said...

I too am excited that trees start to show that 'green shimmer'again. Spring truly is arriving... I can do with some sunshine after the cold and grey winter. I haven't seen any cherry blossems yet though (I guess it's time for a long walk and stroll along peoples houses that I know have those trees in their garden...) Your photo as well as haiku are beautiful.

anthonynorth said...

Ah, those first blooms give a warm feeling. Nice one.

Anonymous said...

beautiful blossoms!! I have not yet seen any here...but they must be just around the corner...I hope!

Karen said...

Terrific haiku, I know how much you have longed to see the cherry blossoms!

Lea said...

I love how these two haiku are bookends... young and old and the honor and beauty that springs from both. Thank you so for these words and image!

foxysue said...

We planted one of those very slim cherry blossom trees 12 years ago when we rebuilt out cottage from rubble, it now towers alongside the chimney pot, I just love laying in bed watching the blossoms.

Your photo is beautiful and the haiku verses match perfectly!

Sue x

Dawn Elliott said...

Happiness abound when the blooms appear each year! Your haikus are so beautiful - what an awesome celebration that they will adorn!

Libby said...

I LOVE the cherry blossoms and your haikus go perfectly with them - I hope you win too! I can almost smell the cherry blossoms...

deb did it said...

beautiful blooms! the promise of Spring!

Ellecee said...

These haiku are lovely - I can smell the sweet scent of the cherry blossoms. I used to live on a street in Vancouver that was lined with cheery trees. This made Spring very special as they all began to flower. You have brought that picture back to me.

gma said...

So pretty and the promise of aweetness.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

I feel like the old cherry branch tonight, and I'm hoping somewhere, somehow new blooms will sprout!

For Sister Moon

Susie Clevenger said...

I love the image and your words. Happy Spring!

Jyoti Mishra said...

awesome visual imagery u create with such few words.. !!

loved it :)

rebecca said...

i love your sweet ode to the fragrance of life. to both the new and tender just joining the song of blossoming out...and the return of the wise, weathered, familiar, loyal.

Hazel said...

Can I have some of that 'sweet perfume' to sweeten up my boring city apartment? :) Have a lovely week!

Terri / Cloaked Monk said...

Beautiful. I love tying the young and the old together and that they both offer gifts of growth.

Helen Campbell said...

Beautiful haiku. We don't have cherry blossoms here yet, but soon!

somepinkflowers said...

from the old comes the new.

we do not have cherry trees
in florida
so thank you for sharing yours!

{{ all tree~sharing
should arrive
with such expressive poetry.}}

Mariya Koleva said...

"on an old branch"... that sees the new blooms over and over. Great reflection!

Mark Butkus said...

Spring is in the air and cherry trees and haiku go together so well.


Mark Butkus

rch said...

We had one cherry tree on our property when I was young, oh the sight and smell when Spring returned, thanks for taking me back.

Someone is Special said...

sweet and beautiful... The results are out, Visit here to know who won the hearts of many people..

Someone is Special

Short poems said...

Beautiful blossoms, great shot!