Thursday, September 20, 2012

Autumn has come

Also published and shared on: Thursday Poets Rally of Hyde Park

Autumn ... yeah that's my season. I love the colors, the scent of decomposing leaves. I love the autumn weather ... heavy rains, thunderstorms and the strong winds. The days becoming shorter, cosiness returns to the living room. Wow! What a wonderful season. And than ... the awesome moon of autumn. As you may know I am a bit a Japan addict and they say that the moon of autumn is the most wonderful moon of the year. I like that thought ... ah! the moon ...

autumn has come
leaves re-painted by Mother Earth -
she ... the moon ... lovely

she ... the moon ... lovely
hiding behind a veil of clouds
what a mystery

what a mystery
the cosiness of the living room
autumn has come

Credits: autumn colors


Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

nature is magical.

Pratibha said...

lovely cascading haikus :)

Anonymous said...

autumn is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

skillful written haiku.

Alissa Meredith Jill Osborn Schapiro said...

i do feel the coolness and beauty in autumn here.

Chèvrefeuille said...

Thank you all for your kind words. I am glad to be back in Thursday Poets Rally.

Anonymous said...

I feel the urge in your words.
love autumn.

Anonymous said...

your haiku is outstanding.

rch said...

Love the repeating lines and the imagery of the moon, makes me hate to 'leave' ;-)

Kimolisa said...

great haiku

Pat-Mather Brown Gordon-ceton said...

unbeatable haiku.

Elizena said...

I am also an Autumn or Fall lover and the colors of the leaves always leave me breathless. Just talking about Fall I swear I can smell the leaves, the air with that special scent it has that shouts it's time for the hot chocolate, the cider and the harvest dance.
I also love Japan and many of her customs and stories. The moon is a beautiful creation in itself, but the Japanese believe that a marriage will be good if the couple is blessed by the moon so during the Moon Festival the couples are out just looking at the moon praying that their marriage will be blessed by the man in the moon.
I loved your piece; I thought it was warm and just completely described my favorite of all season.
Praying you have a wonderful and blessed week.

Anonymous said...

autumn is a lovely season.

Chèvrefeuille said...

What a wonderful words you sprinkle on me.