Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Carpe Diem Summer Retreat 2016 (13) like a chain of iron

Dear friends,

Ah ... the Summer Retreat of Carpe Diem ... isn't it great? But ... it's not easy to come up with a new haiku every day. As you know I am hosting Carpe Diem Haiku Kai, a daily haiku meme, and Carpe Diem has my first attention and than this weblog, my own personal weblog, follows.
A few minutes ago I created an all new post at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai ... and for  my own weblog I have to conquer a lack of inspiration therefore I have chosen to share a haiku from my archives, sorry.

The haiku I have chosen from my archives has to do with Wisteria (in Dutch "Blauwe Regen" or "Blue Rain") a most beautiful and very inspiring flowering plant.

like a chain of iron
the Wisteria climbs against the wall
reaching for the sky

© Chèvrefeuille

Awesome ...

Feel free to participate in Carpe Diem's Summer Retreat 2016 ... you are so welcome to visit us and become part of this "adventure".

See you tomorrow 

1 comment:

humbird said...

Wow...I see here the connection with metal element of nature...interesting interweaving