Sunday, November 27, 2016

Carpe Diem Winter Retreat 2016 "find the silence" #11 a new day

Dear friends,

As you all know the first Winter Retreat of Carpe Diem Haiku Kai is running and I haven't had time enough to publish every day for this Retreat, so my excuses for thst. For today I have a beautiful tanka, if I may say that myself, a little bit immodest ...

listening to the rain
this morning
the birds celebrate
a new day

© Chèvrefeuille

See you ...


Helene Vaillant said...

Ah, listening to the rain, how wonderful this is, I can hear it now, such a pleasurable experience, indeed silence and quieting the mind.

Dr. Vijita Pillai said...

such a calm and soothing experience :)