Thursday, December 1, 2016

carpe Diem Winter Retreat 2016 "find the silence" #14 walk through the forest

Dear friends,

I has been a few days ago that I posted here at my personal weblog. I am (to) busy with my daily haiku meme Carpe Diem Haiku Kai. Yesterday I started with the new month of Carpe Diem. This month I hope to inspire my visitors with classical music of all times and from all over the globe. Therefore for this Winter Retreat I have tried to bring the two things together.

The above music video gives you Ernesto Cortazar playing Beethoven’s Silence.

This music piece inspired me to create the following haiku:

walk through the forest
only the sound of nature to enjoy
ah! that silence

© Chèvrefeuille

See you ...

PS.: video created by: Erikson Nunes

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